Application of mean curvature flow to General Relativity" We study 2-dimensional spheres moving in asymptotically flat 3-manifolds of non-negative scalar...
Surgery for mean curvature flow of 2-convex surfaces.
Singularities of mean curvature flow. The formation of singularities in mean curvature flow is investigated with rescaling techniques, monotonicity formulae...
Analytic and geometric properties of mean curvature flow
The lecture gives an introduction to hypersurfaces moving in normal direction in an...
Задача Хорна это классическая задача линейной алгебры, которая просит описать возможные собственные значения суммы двух эрмитовых матриц C=A B в терминах...
I will mention several problems which seems to be central from point of view more that 30 years distance of the theory. Among them:
Лекция прочитана в рамках St. Petersburg School in Probability and Statistical Physics.
Лекция прочитана в рамках St. Petersburg School in Probability and Statistical Physics.
Лекция прочитана в рамках St. Petersburg School in Probability and Statistical Physics.
Лекция прочитана в рамках St. Petersburg School in Probability and Statistical Physics.
Лекция прочитана в рамках St. Petersburg School in Probability and Statistical Physics.