RECOMB Satellite Conference on Bioinformatics Education
Конференция Хит- Биоинформатика

The Fourth Annual RECOMB Conference on Bioinformatics Education (RECOMB-BE) will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, August 26, 2012. The conference follows the first three RECOMB-BE meetings (2009, 2010 and 2011). RECOMB-BE 2012 will consist of invited presentations, oral presentations selected from submitted educational problems, and discussion panels, all of which focus on improving bioinformatics education. RECOMB-BE will immediately precede the First RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology (RECOMB-AB), which also will be held in St. Petersburg, August 27-29, 2012.
Saint Petersburg (formerly known as Leningrad) is Russia's second largest city. The large historic center of Saint Petersburg, threaded with canals dotted with baroque bridges, is a bridges, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its Hermitage Museum, housed in the former palace of the Russian tsars, displays one of the world's greatest collections of art.