A modified problem by Ya. Yu. Nikitin Лекция Партнёр:ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Предмет:Математика Лектор:Анна Чирина | Anna Tchirina Курс лекций: New Trends in Mathematical Stochastics Дата записи:06.09.21 Дата публикации:06.09.21 Embedded video for A modified problem by Ya. Yu. Nikitin Код для блога: Другие лекции курса7 Characterization based approach for construction of goodness-of-fit tests: randomlycensored data case ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Bojana Milošević On sup-functionals of weighted empirical processes with applications to inferential problems in high dimensions ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Наталья Степанова | Natalia Stepanova Some new results on spectral equivalence of Gaussian random functions ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Александр Назаров | Alexander Nazarov Limit theorems for U-max statistics with kernels defined on a plane ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Екатерина Симарова | Ekaterina Simarova On the asymptotic eficiency of recent characterization based exponentiality tests of L2 and L∞ type ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Marija Cuparić Opening ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Ильдар Ибрагимов | Ildar Ibragimov New Scale-free Goodness-of-fit Tests for Rayleigh Distribution Based on Some Characterization and Some Special Property ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Илья Рагозин | Ilya Ragozin