On probability distributions for the boundary states of the Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble of qudits Лекция Партнёр:ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Предмет:Математика Лектор:Astghik Torosyan, Vahagn Abgaryan, Arsen Khvedelidze, Ilya Rogojin Курс лекций: Polynomial Computer Algebra' 2020 Дата записи:15.10.20 Дата публикации:27.04.21 Embedded video for On probability distributions for the boundary states of the Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble of qudits Код для блога: Другие лекции курса20 Computer algebra based discretizations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Vladimir Gerdt, Daniel Robertz, Yury Blinkov Emergence of geometry in quantum mechanics based on finite groups ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Vladimir Kornyak Normal forms and truncations of Hamiltonian functions ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexander Bruno Teleportation of the Bell states on IBM Q 5 Yorktown quantum computer ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Vladimir Gerdt, Ekaterina Kotkova Hermitian Finite Elements for Hypercube ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexander Gusev, Vladimir Gerdt, Sergue Vinitsky, Lyong Le Hai Compact Monomial Involutive Bases ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Yury Blinkov, Vladimir Gerdt On invariant coordinate subspaces of normal form of an ODE system ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexander Batkhin An Effectively Computable Projective Invariant ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexandr Seliverstov Study of Li\'enard's Equation by the Normal Form Method ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Victor Edneral Some problems on character sums in finite fields ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Nikolai Proskurin The interaction of algorithms and proofs in the discrete mathematics course for future engineers ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Elena Tolkacheva, Sergei Pozdniakov Implementation of algebraic algorithms for approximate pattern matching on compressed strings ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexander Tiskin, Maria Fedorkina Subexponential-time computation of isolated primary components of a polynomial ideal ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Alexander Chistov A theorem on quadratic forms ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Ivan Panin Fair and envy-free necklace splittings ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Gaiane Panina On the separability probability of lower rank qubit-qubit systems ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Vahagn Abgaryan, Arsen Khvedelidze, Ilya Rogojin, Astghik Torosyan Dynamic systems with quadratic integrals ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Mikhail Malykh, Ali Baddour, Leonid Sevastianov, Yu Ying Surface electromagnetic waves ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Oleg Kroytor, Oleg Bikeev, Mikhail Malykh Work distribution between the student and the computer while solving graph tasks in distant contests ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Anton Chukhnov, Sergei Pozdniakov Rigid body motion symmetries ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Semjon Adlaj