Evolution of bacterial genomes Лекция Партнёр:Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Предмет:Биоинформатика Лектор:Михаил Гельфанд Конференция: RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology Дата записи:29.08.12 Дата публикации:29.08.12 Embedded video for Evolution of bacterial genomes Код для блога: 1487 RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology Другие лекции конференции11 The combinatorics of the breakage fusion bridge and its application to cancer genomics Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Vineet Bafna 1344 Following Dobzhansky: Extending The Reach of Phylogenies Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Bernard Moret 1309 Alignment-Free Local Sequence Comparison: Statistics and Algorithms Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Michael Waterman 1623 SPAdes: a New Genome Assembly Algorithm and its Applications to Single-Cell Sequencing Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Сергей Николенко 2124 Genome rearrangements: when intuition fails Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Максим Алексеев 1530 The Linkage Disequilibrium Measures Unification Problem Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Sorin Istrail 1337 Efficient communication and storage vs. accurate variant calls in high throughput sequencing: two sides of the same coin Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Cenk Sahinalp 1513 Three Optimization Problems in Molecular Biology and Genetics Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Richard Karp 1493 Dissecting inner structure in disease regulatory networks using differential co-expression Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Ron Shamir 1393 Sequencing antibiotics: bioinformatics meets nuclear physics Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Павел Певзнер 1609 A Moving Landscape for Comparative Genomics in Mammals Computer Science клуб при ПОМИ РАН Steve O'Brien 1585