1. Introduction Лекция Партнёр:Биосеминары Предмет:Биология Лектор:Thomas Boehm Курс лекций: Ten Lectures on Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Aspects of Adaptive Immune Systems Дата записи:02.09.13 Дата публикации:02.09.13 Embedded video for 1. Introduction Код для блога: 921 Другие лекции курса9 4. The immune system of jawed vertebrates: I. Cartilaginous fishes Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 700 2. Immune responses in jawless fishes Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 692 3. The molecular basis of adaptive immunity in jawless fishes Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 783 5. The immune system of jawed vertebrates: II. Bony fishes Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 721 6. The immune system of jawed vertebrates: III. Amphibians and birds Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 712 8. The immune system of jawed vertebrates: III. Mammals Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 721 1 7. The immune system of jawed vertebrates: IV. Mammals Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 627 9. Design principles of vertebrate immune systems: ontogeny through the looking glass Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 753 10. Questions and answers Биосеминары Thomas Boehm 653