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Arnold Diffusion via Invariant Cylinders and Mather Variational Method


The famous ergodic hypothesis claims that a typical Hamiltonian dynamics on a typical energy surface is ergodic. However, KAM theory disproves this. It establishes a persistent set of positive  measure of invariant KAM tori. The (weaker) quasi-ergodichypothesis, proposed by Ehrenfest and  Birkhoff, says that a typical Hamiltonian dynamics on a typical energy surface has a dense orbit.  This question is wide open. In early 60th Arnold constructed an example of instabilities for a nearly integrable Hamiltonian of  dimension n>2 and conjectured that this is a generic phenomenon, nowadays, called Arnold diffusion. In the last two decades a variety of powerful techniques to attack this problem were  developed. In particular, Mather discovered a large class of invariant sets and a developped delicate variational technique to shadow them. In two preprints: one joint with P. Bernard, K. Zhang and  another with K. Zhang we prove Arnold's conjecture in dimension n=3.

План лекций МИНИКУРСА:

  • Гипотезы о связи с диффузионными процессами.
  • Cвязь со слабой КАМ-теорией и уравнения Гамильтона-Якоби.
  • Нормальнo гиперболические инвариантные цилиндры и динамические аспекты.

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