Конечные поля и пересыпания песка
Курс ХитПредмет:
- Математика

- Э.Б.Винберг. Курс алгебры. – М., «Факториал», 1999.
- Э. Артин. Теория Галуа. – М.: МЦНМО, 2004.
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Irreducible Polynomial", "Necklace".
- S.Chmutov, S.Duzhin, J.Mostovoy. Introduction to Vassiliev knot invariants (aka CDBooK) Гл. 6, 10.
- Deepak Dhar. The abelian sandpile and related models.
- Lionel Levine. Sandpile groups and spanning trees of directed line graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A (15 April 2010).
- Matthew Baker and Serguei Norine. Riemann-Roch and Abel-Jacobi theory on a finite graph.
- A.Holroyd, L.Levine, K.Meszaros, Y.Peres, J.Propp and D.Wilson. Chip-Firing and Rotor-Routing on Directed Graphs.
- D.Perkinson. Primer for the algebraic geometry of sanbdpiles.
- F. Redig. Mathematical aspects of the abelian sandpile model.
- A. Gathmann, M. Kerber. A Riemann-Roch theorem in tropical geometry, Mathematische Zeitschrift 259 (2008), 217-230.
- В.И.Арнольд. Динамика, статистика и проективная геометрия полей Галуа. – М., МЦНМО, 2005.
- R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter. Finite Fields.
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